May 2011


Max21.7°Con 06 May 2011 at 15:20:00
Min2.0°Con 04 May 2011 at 06:00:00
Mean max15.3°C
Mean min7°C
Highest min10.9°Con 07 May 2011 at 02:50:00
Lowest max10.9°Con 26 May 2011 at 12:10:00
Mean temperature
Method 110.7°CAverage of all temperature data points
Method 211.15°CAverage of day max/min values
≤-10°C0 <0°C0
-5 to -10°C0 0 to 5°C0
0 to -5°C0 5 to 10°C0
0 to 5°C6 10 to 15°C16
5 to 10°C23 15 to 20°C14
10 to 15°C2 20 to 25°C1
>15°C0 ≥25°C0
Day average
<0°C0 10 to 15°C20
0 to 5°C0 15 to 20°C0
5 to 10°C11 ≥20°C0

Lowest average 8.5 on 14 May;
Highest average 14.7 on 07 May

Temperature for May 2011

Air pressure

Max1025.8 mb24 May at 21:50:00
Min1000.2 mb26 May at 07:40:00
Average1014.3 mb
Pressure for May 2011


Total85.5 mm
Days of rain21 (≥0.5mm)
Wettest day12.95 mm on 26 May
Rainfall for May 2011


Max57.5 mphon 01 May at 14:39:00
Average1.5 mph
Average direction 82°(0.6 mph)
Steadiness factor42%
Prevailing direction239°(not weighted for speed)

Wind for May 2011

Prevailing wind roseWind speed rose
Prevailing wind rose for May 2011 Wind speed rose for May 2011


Humidity for May 2011
All calculations based on 00:00-23:59 day
Generated Wed Jun 1 00:00:07 2011